Keeping Workplaces Safe and Healthy
Our occupational hygiene and safety services help to prevent health issues caused by exposure to hazards in the work environment.
Our occupational hygiene services include:
General Health & Safety
Risk Identification
- Workplace Health Risk Assessments
- Exposure Profiling
Environmental Management
- Water Analysis
- Mould Testing
- Methamphetamine Testing
Occupational Exposure Monitoring & Assessments
- Hazardous Chemical Substances
- Hazardous Biological Agents
- Lead and Asbestos
- Illumination Ergonomics
- Noise
- Ventilation
- Indoor Air Quality
- Thermal Stress
- Vibration
Air Quality Monitoring & Testing
- Assessing indoor air quality
- Monitoring air quality over time
- Testing air for asbestos, dust, mould and other hazardous substances.
- Read more on air quality monitoring & testing.
Hygiene & Sanitation
- Hygiene and Sanitation Surveys
- Canteen and Kitchen Surveys
- Micro-organism Sampling
Chemical Management
- Chemical Risk Assessments
- Hazardous Substance Management Programs
- Safety Data Sheet Review and Update
Hazard Awareness & Legal & Hazard Specific Training
- Lead and Asbestos
- Hazardous Chemical Substances
- Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
- Respirator Fit Testing
- Respirator Fit Test Training
- 3M EARFit Testing
- Noise
- Heat stress
- Pesticides
Lead Assessments
- Lead exposure monitoring
- Testing for traces of lead
- Lead awareness training
Occupational Health Consultation
- General Consultation, Consulting to Occupational Hygiene Personnel
- Design and Implementation of Management Systems.
Workplace Exposure Monitoring
- Silica dust
- Noise pollution
- Welding fume testing
- Dust and lead testing
- Vibration monitoring
- Read more on our workplace exposure monitoring