Our Projects
As a national organisation, Precise Consulting are resourced to manage a number of major projects concurrently. We are proud to have been chosen as the sole provider for projects involving asbestos testing on multiple properties while providing independent clearance air monitoring, as well as other services.
Precise offer flexible service schedules, and quick turnaround times for the analysis of results. Below are some examples of some of our major projects.
Gelita Case Study
Precise were engaged to complete asbestos demolition and management surveys at the Gelita site following a fire that occurred in one of the buildings. Asbestos containing materials within the buildings were damaged as a result of the fire and Precise worked with all parties involve to assess, manage and remove the risk.

Client Background and History
Gelita are the world’s leading supplier of collagen proteins for the food, health & nutrition and pharmaceutical industries and for numerous technical applications. The Christchurch factory has been producing gelatin since 1913 and has a capacity of over 1,400 tons per year. Its main products are edible gelatin and gelatine hydrolysate for the clarification of wine and fruit juices.
Project Details and Delivery
Precise conducted risk assessments, identified the extent of asbestos contamination and worked with contractors to develop a methodology for asbestos removal and demolition. Precise conducted representative air monitoring during asbestos removal works and conducted clearance inspections following asbestos removal work.
Southern District Health Board Surveys
Precise have an ongoing Project of maintaining and safely managing the asbestos within the buildings which are managed by the Southern District Health Board. Precise have recently completed a large scale survey of all of the SDHB’s assets which are located in Dunedin, Wakari, Central Otago, Queenstown and Invercargill. With this information, the buildings can be managed safely by Precise and the SDHB.

Client Background and History
Southern DHB is responsible for planning, funding and providing all publicly funded health care services for the Southern district. They have hospitals in Dunedin, Wakari (Dunedin), Invercargill and Queenstown. We also contract health services from rural hospitals, our primary health organisation, pharmacies, aged residential care facilities and much more.
Project Details and Delivery
In the last 3 years since the partnership began, Precise have overseen major asbestos removals to the buildings managed by the SDHB. Precise have also carried out continuous monitoring of areas which may pose a risk. Precise have a good reputation within the Health Board, and that is why we continue to work together efficiently and our reports have come back on time.
Sky City Fire
Precise were engaged by Sky City to join the team of assembled occupational hygienists to assist on the monitoring of the air in the buildings affected by the convention centre fire. The aim was to help provide data and information to make decisions on whether the buildings were safe to reoccupy.

Client Background and History
Skycity Entertainment Group, also known as simply Skycity, is a gaming and entertainment company based in Auckland, New Zealand. It owns and operates five casino properties in New Zealand and Australia, which include a variety of restaurants and bars, two luxury hotels, convention centres, and Auckland’s Sky Tower.
Project Details and Delivery
Precise completed and assisted a range of different tests over the 3 days the fire continued to burn. Precise was able to mobilize and begin monitoring within 60mins of receiving the call from the client.
Silver Fern Farms
Precise were engaged to conduct asbestos management surveys and produce asbestos management plans for five plants around New Zealand. The aim was to provide the client with a detailed register of all asbestos and asbestos containing materials onsite, while also outlining correct management procedures in the asbestos management plans.

Client Background and History
Silver Fern Farms was founded in 1948 and are New Zealand’s leading processor, marketer and exporter of premium quality lamb, beef and venison.
Project Details and Delivery
Precise completed the asbestos management surveys and produced the asbestos management plans within the turnaround time requested. The client appreciated the response time and quality of the service.
We would love the opportunity to help you, whether it’s a problem in your home, at work, or on a building site. If you would like a quote, or have any questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. You can fill out the form below, or get in touch via our phone or email.