Health and Safety

Precise Consulting can assist you with developing, auditing and training on your Health and Safety Management systems and processes

Our Health & Safety Services

With a focus on controlling and minimizing Health and Safety hazards and risk elements in the workplace, we make sure to bring the requirements of the Health and Safety at Work act and relevant regulations, standards and codes of practice together with best practice principles. We provide services and advice that are specific to the needs of the individual business, reasonable and practical, aimed at improving engagement, culture and communication in all aspects of Health and Safety.

Our Health and Safety services include:  

  • Health and Safety legal compliance assessments 
  • ISO 45001 GAP audits 
  • Health and Safety Management system audits and consultation (Including H&S policies, manuals, training etc.)
  • Health and Safety Hazard and Risk identification, assessments, checks and consultation 
  • Health and Safety specific training and toolbox talks
  • Emergency Management plan audits, checks and consultation.

Other Services


We would love the opportunity to help you, whether it’s a problem in your home, at work, or on a building site. If you would like a quote, or have any questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. You can fill out the form below, or get in touch via our phone or email.

Or call us now on: 0800 002 712