About Our Course
The Health and Safety at Work (Asbestos) Regulations 2016 place a duty on PCBU’s to train workers about asbestos. This course has been specifically developed to provide a greater understanding of asbestos and promote higher levels of confidence when working with it around the home or in the workplace.
Our 2 hour asbestos awareness training program is suitable for anyone who is or could be exposed to asbestos in the home or at their workplace.
The following list outlines the topics covered in the course. Precise can tailor the courses and add or remove topics to suit the client’s requirements.
Topics Include:
- About Asbestos
- Asbestos in New Zealand
- Asbestos Containing Materials
- Health Effects
- PPE and RPE Requirements
- Managing Risk
- Asbestos Surveys
- Asbestos Removal
- Overview of Relevant Legislation
- Clearance Inspections
It is recommended that refresher training courses are undertaken on an annual basis. The courses will include any relevant updates to legislation, case studies, and a follow up to ensure that information has been retained from both the original training and new information