Commit2Fit Training and Competency Scheme

From NZOHS Website

Precise Consulting have qualified Fit Testers in NZ. Get in touch with us below for more information.

Why Commit2Fit was developed

New Zealand Occupational Hygiene Society (NZOHS) was encouraged by people working in the health and safety sector (Occupational Hygienists, Occupational Health Nurses, Occupational Doctors, Health and Safety Specialists), Businesses (including Healthcare, Construction, Manufacturing) and Government (WorkSafe NZ) to develop a respiratory protective equipment fit test providers competency scheme.

The aim: To increase the number of fit testers and to ensure a minimum level of competency is achieved so fit testing is correct and reliable.

What is Commit2Fit based on

Commit2Fit is not a new concept, similar schemes exist in the UK (Fit2Fit) and Australia (RESP-FIT). NZOHS bases the training on existing global fit testing protocols from OSHA 1910.134 (Fit Testing Procedures), ISO 16975-3 (Part 3: Fit-testing procedures) and HSE INDG479 (Guidance on respiratory protective equipment (RPE) fit testing). The AS/NZS 1715:2009 (Selection, use and maintenance of respiratory protective equipment) provides the framework for respiratory protection programmes and fit tester training that is the basis for Commit2Fit. The assessment of fit tester competency is based on ISO 16975-3 criteria and syllabus material from other fit tester competency schemes.

Commit2Fit Competent RPE Fit Tester Register

All those who pass the scheme become competent fit testers and are added to the NZOHS RPE Fit Test Provider register. Individuals can then be approached directly by workplaces to conduct fit testing for tight fitting respirators.

“Commit2Fit have worked closely with the experts in WorkSafe NZ. Following this scheme is not compulsory and employers are free to take other action to comply with the law. But if you follow this scheme, you will be doing enough to demonstrate good practice.”

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